Who We Are
'Learning Plus' is a New Age & Multi-faceted Play-way School. The approach of the school is to impart quality education with maxim “Play Learn and Grow Together". Our aim is to provide meaningful & highest quality early childhood learning within an energized, joyous & nurturing environment.
The School motto reflects its aims and objectives. The motto in School Emblem is “तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय”, which is taken from our ancient treatise ‘Brhadaranyakopnishad’. Meaning of this motto is ‘O God! Lead us from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge and wisdom)’. The first and foremost goal of ‘Learning Plus’ is to enlighten the minds of our young ones with the light of knowledge and wisdom and to make them responsible citizens of the country.

Vision & Mission
We aim to provide meaningful learning with vitalised nurturing environment that encourages our students to aim for a path of continuous growth and versatile development.
The school fosters the child physically, socially and intellectually by providing an intriguing, interesting and clean environment.

Facilities at Learning Plus
- Indoor and outdoor play equipment
- Resting amenities
- RO water
- Trained & qualified staff for scientific approach (Play way method) and helpers
- Safety & Security Measures
- First Aid facility
- Proper measures to maintain hygienic conditions